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Comic Book Anti-Heroes resources

List of most popular Anti-Heroes

I composed the list below of a dozen Anti-Heroes by factoring in several elements: character longevity, popularity, success in crossing over into other mediums, inspiration on other characters, and a certain “cool” factor.

#1. Black Widow ( Alter-Ego: Natasha Romanov ) : How is Black Widow an anti-hero?  The reason Widow is an anti-hero is because she was a villain first, and will fight pretty much anyone (even her own team of Avengers) and because she will kill many people (including innocents) to get what she wants.

#2. Catwoman ( Alter-Ego: Selina Kyle ): How is Catwoman an anti-hero?  Catwoman is considered an anti-hero because her heart is in the right place, but she lives life as thief and a burglar, she also has fought with Batman on many occasions, but sides with him often as well. 

#3. Black Adam ( Alter-Ego: Teth-Adam ): How is Black Adam an anti-hero? Black Adam Is considered an anti-hero because of because of his arrogant, selfish use of his powers, he generally doesent use his power for the good of humanity, but for his own personal gain.(which doesent necessarily mean bad things) 

#4. Bane ( Alter-Ego: Dorrance ): How is Bane an anti-hero? Bane is considered an anti-hero because he is a mercenary, and will fight for good or evil, not because he believes In the cause, but for his own benefit. 

#5. Deadpool ( Alter-Ego: Wade Wilson ): How is Deadpool an anti-hero?  Deadpool is considered an anti-hero because he is a mercenary who uses his abilities for selfish reasons and for money. 

#6. The Hulk ( Alter-Ego: Bruce Banner ): How is Hulk an anti-hero?  The Incredible Hulk is considered an anti-hero because he will do things your average superhero won't, like destroying massive buildings or forcing his old comrades to fight each other, (remember World War Hulk) but through it all Hulk's heart is in the right place, but like others he will practice extreme violence on his enemies. 

#7. Ghost Rider ( Alter-Ego: Johnny Blaze ): How is Ghost Rider an anti-hero?  Ghost Rider is considered an anti-hero because he is given the task of performing Mephisto's revenge upon the "sinful" and "wicked" tasked with killing them, although he will protect innocent people from harm. 

#8. Venom ( Alter-Ego: Eddie Brock ): How is Venom an anti-hero?  Venom is considered an anti-hero because of two things, one he hates Spider-Man with a deep passionate hatred, two when he goes after the badguys,he usually gives no chance for redemption, but rips them apart limb from limb.

#9. Moon Knight ( Alter-Ego: Marc Spector ): How is Moon Knight an anti-hero?  Moon Knight is an anti-hero for one reason and one reason only, whenever he fights, he leaves a trail of human wreckage along with a massive bloodbath. 

#10. Deathstroke ( Alter-Ego: Slade Wilson ): How is Deathstroke an anti-hero?  Deathstroke is considered an anti-hero because he is an assassin (he kills alot) who will (depending on the situation) fight for good or evil.

#11. The Punisher ( Alter-Ego: Frank Castle ): How is the Punisher an anti-hero?  The Punisher is considered an Anti-Hero because of his violent style of crime fighting, along with the fact that he is willing to murder, torture, blackmail etc. and he will take life without any remorse.

#12. Wolverine ( Alter-Ego: James Logan Howlett ): How is Wolverine an anti-hero?  Wolverine is considered an anti-hero because of his dark attitude and cuz he's actually killed more people than your average villain, and normal heroes don't go around slicing people to bits. 

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